Supernova which are ambassadors for "Hello Kitty" has been embarrassed? Having been active in promoting in Japan, They have received the honor to the goodwill Ambassador's for Hello Kitty back in May in Japan. Hello Kitty has been around for almost 50 years and is still steadily growing in Popularity all around the world not only in Japan. In particular, Supernova has been enjoying a great deal of popularity as well being ambassadors for Hello Kitty in Japan. During a concert, the Supernova members would joke around that Hello Kitty would be in the VIP waiting room and that Hello Kitty is more popular than them. Also, they also said that Hello Kitty would always have his managers with him and that everyone would want his picture. Meanwhile, Super Nova has released a new mini album last 18th in Korea where their new songs are produced by Brave Brothers. Source:Newsen

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